Thursday, March 31, 2005

Official DNN interviews soon on the ADWN

Our news service has been able to grant exclusive access to several of Europe's most powerful statesmen for interviews. Soon our reporters will be able to give the general public life accounts on what are the objectives and opinions of those leaders.

Know what it is going on in Europe. Be informed. We ask, the leaders spin it.

The war goes on: French troops on the move. (color historic photo)
Sidenote: send preliminary orders, guys. Turn deadline is Sunday 8 PM EST, still.

Europe, Spring of 1903

The balance of power changes as the war ravages the continent. Here we have the current troop and fleet positions.

Europe, early Spring, 1903

Industrial might: winter 1902 builds

The European proletariat fulfills their patriotic duty and build more weaponry for the victorious powers. Total industrial war is the name of the game. Short supplies, meanwhile, seem to be crippling Russian and German war efforts.

1902, winter builds

Build Army Edinburgh
Build A Venice
remove A Ruhr
remove F Helgoland Bight

Remove F Black Sea

Build F Marseilles

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

This is DNN!!!

First I'd like to apologize for my lack of presence here lately, sadly my ability to post here is constrained by my work load as I do write those silly posts at work when and only when I’m bored out of my mind by the lack of things to do.

Last weeks have been quite busy and I won’t bore you with tales of moving servers between racks ;)

I won’t try to write up a comment for each and every move that occurred between then and now so you’ll have to fill up the blanks with your imagination.

So let’s do it…


Deities, welcome to WTPHSEOFOE as we continue our analysis of this year’s massacre in Europe.

[Audience erupts into a standing ovation of the likes that no deities ever elicited, chanting officials WTPHSEOFOE slogans like "du sang du boudin, on a pas payé pour rien!"]

As usual, today we will have our well respected panel of experts comment the latest developments;
On my left, the most renowned expert in warfare, Sun-Tzu!

[Audience applauds and cheers]

On my right, this year’s special candidate, Napoleon!

[Audience applauds]

So, Napoleon, do you know there has been quite a controversy about your invitation here?

[Napoleon ignores the commentator]

You know, usually we like to invite…, let’s say, older dead personalities…

So you are saying my body is not rotten enough for your little show?

Well, that’s a crude way of saying it, but indeed, some have that opinion.

Then why did you invite me?

Your showing in the early 19th century WTPHSEOFOE’s were so impressive that we thought it would be a shame not to use your expertise here.

Now that you are talking about that, why am I still forbidden from accessing your records from the period?

[speaker embarrassed]

Well, it’s policy not to open records to contenders…

[Napoleon cuts speakers]

[accusing voice] because said contenders might learn about how, to avoid having a unified Europe which would be useless to your show, you fixed a bit the game?
You know, like my whole Russian campaign that you constantly meddled with…

[mumbles] We would never do such a thing!
Anyway, let’s get to business, Sun-Tzu what do you think of this year’s candidates?

[Stern voice] Weak fools, no understanding of war. They still have much to learn.

Harsh as usual, but what do you mean?

I’ve seen no covert operations aimed at toppling a regime, no assassinations of foreign leaders… Let me remind you that winning one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill.
They’ve all failed on that account!

Aren’t you a bit harsh with them? I mean, we’ve seen some extremely good deceptions in that edition?

Indeed, all war is deception.

Anyway, what do you think of Germany’s situation?

Difficult, very difficult. Their only chance of survival is turning some of their aggressors against each others. They must pretend inferiority to encourage arrogance.

It would be wise for them to drive a wedge between France and England.
They can also point out the very obvious English opportunity to strike east.

About England, Napoleon, your opinion?

I see a pale naked British ass waiting for the mighty French armies to ram it.

What do you mean?

I mean there is a great opportunity for the French forces to take the necessary strategic positions to make a successful bid for the annihilation of those damn brits.

More precisely?

What more do you want me to say? It’s trivial, any idiot can see it.

What about Italy?

Unfocused, no clear expansion possibilities. Dangerous on the long term.
They’ll most likely build in Venecia to cover their flank from Austrian aggression.

Do you believe such an attack likely?

Possible, Turkey is a quite formidable foe in the Balkans right now; I think it would be wiser of them to turn Turkey against Russia and try to expand westward.

About Russia, what’s your take Sun-Tzu?

They are in a difficult position, Turkey seems to be eyeing upwards, England has taken Northern Europe and is in a very good position to threaten Russia.
Also they have to dismantle one of their units; they can’t possibly weaken the southern front unless they have unreasonable trust in the Turks not to attack them. The Russian fleet holds a key strategic position in the Baltic Sea, preventing, for now, any English incursion against the Russian homeland, therefore it would be ill advised to dismantle that unit, even though it holds no offensive purpose.
The army in St-Petersburg might be needed against the possible English onslaught from the north. As for the army in Moscow, it is not needed now and one shall dismantle it, unless the Russian commanders believe the Austrians are going to strike north with the Turks.

So in conclusion, who do you think has the upper hand right now, Napoleon?

Evidently France!

Why that?

They are the only nation that are at no threat yet have opportunities to strike easily.


Opportunities multiply as they are seized.

Well, it looks we'll have to finish on that last cryptic note.

[cues DNN jingle]

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Winter 1902 positions, builds pending.

Winter 1902 almost final positions

We are waiting for the builds and disbands, that are due on Wednesday, 8 PM EST.

England: + 1 (6)
France: + 1 (6)
Italy: +1 (5)
Austria: +0 (5)
Turkey: +0 (5)
Russia: -1 (4)
Germany: -2 (3)

Next turn deadline is next Sunday, 8 PM EST, as usual.

Winter 1902: retreats

1902 Winter retreats

F Constantinople - Black Sea
A Norway - St Petersburg
A Munich - Berlin
F Denmark - Helgoland Bight

Monday, March 28, 2005

Fall 1902: the aftermath

1902 fall: the aftermath (retreats pending)

OK, we have a lot of deadlines to define:

Retreats deadline: Tuesday, 8 PM EST.
Builds and disbands deadline: Wednesday 8 PM EST.

I'd prefer to give only 24h for each, but as I send the results a bit late and some of you won't check them until tomorrow, I allow a bit more time. In theory, retreats are not negotiable, but as it is a non-enforceable rule, I allow talking. Don't wait to know the retreats to talk about the builds, though:

Spring 1903 deadline: Sunday, 8 PM EST.

Hope the turn was of your liking. I am really enjoying reading all the mailing. You guys are wicked.

Fall 1902: battle outcomes

1902 fall battles

Fall 1902: the orders

The war rages on Europe, and the Empires move their armies accordingly.

1902 Fall orders

A Burgundy Supports A Bohemia - Munich
A Gascony - Paris
A Marseilles - Gascony
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Hold
A Picardy - Belgium
A Bohemia - Munich
F Ionian Sea - Greece
F Naples - Tyrrhenian Sea
A Venice - Tyrolia
F Baltic Sea - Kiel
F Constantinople - Bulgaria(sc)
A Norway Hold
A Sevastopol Supports A Rumania
A Ukraine - Warsaw
F Belgium - North Sea
F North Sea - Denmark
F Norwegian Sea Supports F Skagerrak - Norway
F Skagerrak - Norway
A Sweden Supports F North Sea - Denmark
F Aegean Sea Supports A Bulgaria - Constantinople
A Bulgaria - Constantinople
F Eastern Mediterranean - Smyrna
A Rumania, holds
A Smyrna - Ankara
F Denmark - Baltic Sea
A Munich Supports A Ruhr
A Ruhr Supports A Holland
A Holland Supports A Kiel
A Kiel Supports A Munich
A Galicia - Budapest
F Greece - Ionian Sea
A Serbia Supports A Rumania
A Trieste Supports A Serbia
A Vienna Hold

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Fall 1902, early positions

After the summer retreat, the map looks like this:

Fall 1902, early positions

Remember, next turn is due on Sunday, 8 PM EST.

Summer 1902: Russian retreat

Summer 1902 Retreat

Monday, March 21, 2005

Reminder: preliminary orders are your friend

I know I am repetitive, but is better to do something marginally stupid than not do anything at all. So send in preliminary orders, just in case. If you want to make your judge even happier, occasional clearly labeled mails explaining what do you think is going on and your plans also help.

So, you know what to do now.

Summer 1902 army positions, before the retreats

1902 Summer positions, one retreat pending.

If I am not mistaken, Russian army in Galicia must send retreat orders. Deadline is the usual 48 hours. Retreat orders due Tuesday, 8PM EST, or the unit is disbanded.

Next turn orders are due, again, next Sunday 8 PM EST.

I think I am not forgetting anything. Keep forwarding mails (to tell the truth, even having the whole picture is fucking hard to understand what's going on sometimes), and keep the game goin'.

Spring 1902, the battle results

Spring 1902, results

The war rages on: Spring 1902 campaign orders

Europe is still under the fire and iron of war. The conflict is so intense that in fact blogger was not working yesterday (how strange), so I couldn't put the maps until today. Sorry for the inconvenience. The players got their mails on time (mostly), and the Ars Thread was updated as usual. On with the moves, though:

Spring, 1902 Orders

F Black Sea - Constantinople
A Galicia - Budapest
A Sevastopol - Rumania
A St Petersburg - Norway
F Sweden - Baltic Sea

A Budapest - Galicia
F Greece - Bulgaria(sc)
A Serbia Supports F Greece - Bulgaria(sc)
A Trieste Supports A Serbia
A Vienna Supports A Budapest - Galicia

F Belgium Supports F London - North Sea
F Edinburgh - Norwegian Sea
F London - North Sea
F North Sea - Skagerrak
A Norway - Sweden

F Aegean Sea - Greece
A Bulgaria Supports A Rumania - Serbia
A Constantinople - Smyrna
A Rumania - Serbia
F Smyrna - Eastern Mediterranean

Germany (lazy germans, using short forms)
A Hol-Bel
A Ruh S A Hol-Bel
F Den Hold
A Kie S F Den Hold
A Mun Hold

F Naples Supports F Tunis - Ionian Sea
F Tunis - Ionian Sea
A Tyrolia - Bohemia
A Venice - Trieste

A Burgundy Supports F Belgium
A Marseilles Supports A Burgundy
A Paris - Picardy
F Portugal - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
A Spain - Gascony

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Europe, as in Early Spring 1902

This is the tactical map of Europe, circa late March 1902. A complex strategic situation for all powers.

Europe, at early spring 1902

Orders are in: Winter 1901 industrial output

After several broken necks of German proletariat scum, the whole Europe has put their arms factories to produce more deadly toys. The whole continent's resources are focused on war and chaos. See the staggering output in this map:

1901 Winter builds

Build A Kiel
Build A Munich
Build F Naples
Build A Trieste
Build A Budapest
Build A Con
Build F Smyrna
Build A StP
Build F London
Build F Edinburgh
Build A Marseilles
Build A Paris

Monday, March 14, 2005

General strike in Germany prompts delays...

The General Strike in Germany has damaged the country. Those damm commies.

After Germany missed his deadline sending the build orders, the Egocratic judge was confronted with the decision of either stricty enforcing the rules, depriving ze krauts of two builds and dangerously unbalancing the game (unfair advantage to West powers and Italy), or trying to save the game balance for a while.

After a brief, yet engaging consultation with the rest of the players, the judges in the International Ars War Courts have decided.


  • The Judges allow a 24h extension on Germany's behalf, to allow them time to send build orders. Germany must send orders before Tuesday, March 15th, 8 pm EST.
  • If Germany does not send orders before deadline, tough luck. No builds for them.
  • All players, after that ruling, have the right to at least have one 24h turn extension. Just one. Germany has spend it, by the way. Just to avoid horrid missfortunes.
  • Germany will have to pay at least 8 beers to the judge next time we meet, for legal expenses.
If ze Germans have vanished from the game, not giving any signs of being alive by Friday 8 pm EST, I'll call for new players in the Ars Board.

Turn deadline remains the same, Sunday, 8 pm EST.

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Fall 1901 Results

Fall 1901 results

Retreats and builds (winter 1901 adjustment) due on Monday, 8 PM, EST. You have 48h to define them, then.

Next turn (spring 1902) due on Sunday, 8 PM, EST.

Fall 1901 Moves

Fall 1901 Moves

Orders list:

A Burgundy Supports F English Channel - Belgium
A Gascony - Spain
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Portugal
F English Channel - Belgium
F North Sea Convoys A Yorkshire - Norway
A Yorkshire - Norway
A Armenia - Rumania
A Bulgaria - Greece
F Constantinople - Aegean Sea
A Apulia - Venice
F Ionian Sea - Tunis
A Piedmont - Tyrolia
F Albania - Greece
A Serbia Supports F Albania - Greece
A Trieste - Vienna
A Kiel - Holland
F Denmark - North Sea
A Ruhr - Belgium
F Black Sea Convoys A Armenia - Rumania
F Gulf of Bothnia - Sweden
A Sevastopol Supports A Armenia - Rumania
A Ukraine - Galicia

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Turn deadline extension

Due to personal reasons, I won't be able to post the turn results until Saturday evening. New deadline will be Saturday, 10 PM, EST. Sorry for this delay.

So, new, extended deadline, Saturday 12th March, 10 PM, EST.

By the way, only one country has send in preliminary orders. I don't like this, seriously. Better you send you orders clearly labeled soon.

Friday, March 04, 2005

Europe, Summer of 1901: after the first moves.

A map of Europe in July, 1901, after the Potato Trade Crisis triggered the war. Well, perhaps it was not the potato, but the Judge doesn't have an opinion on the subject. It is not that I am blaming the Irish. Expect punditry from Vlip later.

Europe, as in early Summer of 1901.

Spring, 1901: Iron and Fear

Turn orders for Spring 1901:

Spring 1901 orders. Armies and Fleet move across the continent.

A Budapest - Serbia
F Trieste - Albania
A Vienna - Trieste
F Edinburgh - North Sea
A Liverpool - Yorkshire
F London - English Channel
F Brest - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
A Marseilles - Burgundy
A Paris - Gascony
A Berlin - Kiel
F Kiel - Denmark
A Munich - Ruhr
F Naples - Ionian Sea
A Rome - Apulia
A Venice - Piedmont
A Moscow - Sevastopol
F Sevastopol - Black Sea
F St Petersburg(sc) - Gulf of Bothnia
A Warsaw - Ukraine
F Ankara - Constantinople
A Constantinople - Bulgaria
A Smyrna - Armenia

This is DNN!!!

Deities, welcome to the second show of the 2005 edition of WTPHSEOFOE. Today's guest is God, please applaud him!

[audience frantically applauds, a man in the shadows scribbles the name of those who haven't applauded on a book titled "purgatory accounting book"]

Welcome God.

Thanks, I wouldn't have missed this for all of Allah's Virgins.

Tell me, which country do you think will win this year's edition?

There is no telling, I know only one thing for sure, the chances of Turkey winning are statistically insignificant as to be quite laughable.

While we are on the subject, what do you think of Allah's complaints about the unfairness of Turkey being the sole Muslim nation on the board?

I do understand how he feels, but it really isn't my fault that the DHSA chose that section of the world for this year's game.

This would have nothing to do with you being the President of the DHSA those last few years, I suppose?

Nonsense! Besides I didn't choose to be President, it just happened to be my turn. I had no choice.

What do you think of Allah's special announcement on this show last week?

The 128 virgins deal?


I think it's an unfair business practice and a violation of the Deity Fair Trade Act! I have lodged a complaint to the Deity Trade Organisation for unfair business practices and market dumping.

Does that mean that you won't reciprocate?

Indeed. But let it be known that I will be particularly forgiving when it'll come to the sins of the General which shall conquer Turkey.

[trumpets blaring]

Excuse me, God, but our studio in Geneva is announcing some developments. Hello, Geneva?

Yes, Ragotus, this is Geneva.

What have you got for us?

As you know in 1863 we created the Red Cross as a front for the WTPHSEOFOE to collect information and footage of all sides of the conflicts. Our informants have detected multiple troop movements all around Switzerland; France, Germany and Italy seem to be on the move! It has started!

Do you know where the troops are going?

Not yet, the reports are still fuzzy, we shall soon know more. But we can also report that Switzerland has just signed multiple armament contracts with most major European nations.

Isn't Switzerland supposed to be neutral?

Ragotus, please, remember, one is still neutral when one sells equal amounts of weapons to everyone!

Right, forgot about that subtle piece of "logic". Anyway, this is the end of today's show, thank you God for appearing here and see all of you next week for an update into the first troop movements and some strategical analysis.

[cues DNN jingle]

French Chasseurs Alpins hurrying into position spotted by WTPHSEOFOE agents under Red Cross cover.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Less than 24 hours...

To the Spring 1901 orders deadline. Remember, tomorrow, Friday, 8 pm EST. The troops are gathering all arround Europe....

Troops movilizing in Belgium. Color 1915 photo.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Reminder: deadline this Friday

Just a reminder that we are a bit over two days short of the deadline. Turn due this Friday, remember.

So far, the European powers are forwarding their mails to the judge, which I find highly amusing. I'd be even happier if you sent me your thoughts on what's going on, sometimes, and the internal team communications. If you want me to do a game wrap-up at the end of the war, it will be really helpful.

Keep the mailing, guys. And remember, preliminary orders are your friend.