Friday, February 25, 2005

Spring, 1901: guns at dawn

The great powers are ready. The distrust between the nations of Europe is growing. The War in the continent is inminent.

Official mailing list:
  • Russia: Russia.arsdip2005 at gmail dot com
    Sbodd, Hyrax42
  • Italy: Italy.arsdip2005 at gmail dot com
    Tracer Tong, Yipee38
  • France: france.arsdip2005 at gmail dot com
    Ionitor, Firetear
  • England: England.arsdip2005 at
    Secondhand Jack
  • Austria: austriahungary.arsdip2005 at gmail dot com
    Grinn, Bunsen
  • Germany: germany.arsdip2005 at
    Twitch, Skyler.
  • Turkey: turkey.arsdip2005 at
    Traaf, XHerakleitos.

Turns take one week. Next orders are due March 4th, 8 pm EST. Remember that this is a standard game, no coups. Players are strongly encouraged to send copies of the mails they write to other great powers to the judge, allowing him to have some fun as well. Also remember that we have a pundit (Vlip) eager to comment and throw fear, uncertainty and doubt on your request.

And so the war begins....

Guns at Dawn (color photo, Arras, Northern France)

Line up addition

Due to the delay that the current Sultan / Turkish player was inflicting to the eager European warmongers, a new diplomat, XHerakleitos, will join the game and the Istambul court as Prime Minister.

As soon as we have his diplomatic e-mail ready, the game will start.

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Update: vote on new Coup d'Etat rule

The proposed Coup D'Etat rule has been considered by the Great Powers of Europe. After close scrutiny, France, England and Austria have decided to vote against the proposed changes, effectively vetoing the proposal.

We will have a 100% standard game, consequently. In case a country fails to send in its orders, it will be considered to be on civil disorder, with all units holding position during that turn. Expect also massive asskicking to the poor fool that goes through that, both in the battlefield and being scorned by the players.

The judge encourages two things to avoid that:
  1. Preliminary orders. Even before negotiations with other powers, it is strongly advised to send a preliminary set of orders. Better make random moves than no moves at all.
  2. If you have to leave the game, please tell us. We have some very able replacement players waiting. Do not ruin the game balance by not paying attention to the war.

Welcome our new pundit!

From the very neutral country of Switzerland, the one to blame for all those stalemate lines, we welcome our official Ars War Pundit Vlip to the team of the Ars War journal.

Expect in-depth analysis soon.
The judge can not comment on the war, sadly...

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

The rulers: player list

The Ars game thread is on, and we have the official player list ready!
  • Italy - Tracer Tong, Yipee38.
  • Germany - Twitch, Skyler.
  • France - Ionitor, Firetear.
  • England - Secondhand Jack.
  • Russia - Sbodd, Hyrax42.
  • Austria-Hungary - Grinn, Bunsen.
  • Turkey - Traaf, XHerakleitos.
We are also voting the Coup d'Etat rule:
One last point. It has been suggested to use a little house rule to avoid the chaos that a player dropping out brings. We'll call it the Coup d'etat rule. In case one country misses the orders send deadline, the judge (that is, me) will post a message here and at the blog stating that that country had a coup d'etat, and is in turmoil. After the announcement, somebody can step in as replacement tinpot dictator and hand in orders in 24 hours time, whatever they think is best. Those orders will be the ones applied for that country that turn. If the tinpot fails to send orders, the units will all hold.

After the coup d'etat, the player that missed the deadline can ask to have their country back, or allow the tinpot to keep it. Decision will be posted here and also send to the judge.

In case a player wants to fake a coup d'etat, he has to send orders to the Judge stating he is doing that. I'll call that there's a coup and ask for a tinpot, but his units will hold.

This rule will only be applied if 5 countries agree with it. If not, we will apply the normal civil disorder rule (p.18).
Players input pending. Official game begins when we have all the official mail boxes confirmed.

Initial map: Spring, 1901

Europe, before the war

Software issues, orders format

As the poor sap that writes this is a lazy bastard, players are encouraged to use Realpolitik both to track the game and send the orders. Get this nifty little program here.

Please, think of the poor lazy guy that is dealing with your orders. Be Kind. Use Realpolitik.

Europe, 1900: so it begins.... (a welcome)

Welcome to Europe. We are in the halls of a random embassy in one of the European capitals. The phone rings in the embassador's desk. Harsh words are spoken; the irate foreign affairs minister talks about ultimatums, broken promises, and mobilizing armies.

Somewhere, war plans are being drawn.
The Ars Diplomacy game, 2005 edition, is about to begin.